Adult Protective Services (APS) Information Session

Stay informed! Rachel Lakin and Denise Pliska from the Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services will discuss NH's Adult Protection Law, how to make a protective report, how the protective investigation process works, and what protective services are. 

Adult abuse is any action or omission that results or could result in harm to a person age 18 or older who cannot provide for his or her own care and protection due to the effects of aging or a chronic illness or disability. The Adult Protection Law identifies six types of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, self-neglect and exploitation

It is estimated that only one in six cases of abuse towards an adult is reported. Common risk factors include: being female, being an older adult, having dementia, mental health or substance abuse issues & isolation.



Event Location: 
Program Time: 
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Room Reservation: 
Tue, November 01, 2022