Are library cards free?
Library cards are free to Hampstead residents and those who work in town. Just come on in with proof of residency (i.e. driver’s license) or proof of employment (i.e. paystub). The process takes only a few minutes.
How can I get a card if I don’t live or work in Hampstead?
The cost of a library card is $80 for one year or $30 for four months.
Can I register online for a library card?
At this time we prefer you to come sign up in person. If this is not possible due to mobility/transportation issues, please reach out for accommodation.
How can I sign up my child for a library card?
Parents or guardians can bring their children aged 5 and up to sign up for their own cards.
How many items can I check out?
As many as you can keep track of. Just remember, other people are waiting on items, so please return them on time.
Are there fines for overdue items?
HPL is proudly fine free, but please return items in a timely manner so the next person may enjoy them. There is also an exterior drop slot available 24/7 to return items.
Can I check out items on my family member’s card?
Due to privacy laws, we are not able to check things out under other people’s accounts without their permission. Possessing a physical card at time of use is considered implied consent.
Are there printing services available?
Yes, you can print from library computers or send us files to print at The cost of letter size print outs is $0.20 black and white and $0.50 color per side. There are printer/copiers on the first and second floors.
There’s a second floor?
Yes! Upstairs we have nonfiction books, magazines, newspapers, computers, study rooms, and meeting rooms. Check it out by using the stairs at either end of the building or the elevator.
Can I book a study room?
Yes, study rooms are bookable up to 1 week in advance. You can reserve a room on your own with your library card here or by calling the library. No library card necessary.
What if I lose my card?
Replacement cards cost $1 and only take a minute to replace. Please contact the library immediately in the case of a lost or stolen card for a reissued number.
Can I use my card from another library at HPL?
Only Hampstead cards can be used at this time. We are able to request unowned materials from other libraries in the state by interlibrary loan.
Is there a thrift store in the library?
Yes, the Elaine David Thrift Shop is run by the Friends of the Library and is located in the basement. They are open Tuesday and Saturdays 9am-1pm, and can be accessed via stairs or elevator.
How can I donate to the library?
We accept monetary donations online through square. Used books can be donated year-round any time the library is open, see our guidelines. Clothing donations can be dropped off for the thrift store any time the library is open, read more about their policy on the Friends page.
Is the library building accessible?
We make every effort to make the library accessible to all users. There are ADA accessible parking spaces, push buttons to open the front doors, and an elevator to access the second floor and the thrift store in the basement. Our Pavilion has a ramp to enter and the picnic table has a space for a wheelchair to sit at the end of the table. Please give us a call if you have any specific questions or concerns.
What do I do with the keys I found?
Report the number to the person at the front desk.